Frequently Asked Questions
On this page we've put together answers to some of our parents' most popular questions. If your query isn't answered here, then please call 01480 862276 or email us.
What happens after I have booked and paid for a place on the swimming lesson scheme?
- You will receive an email from the pool confirming your child's place in the lesson scheme along with term dates and information.
Are we allowed to view?
- Parents are only allowed to watch the lessons on the first and final week of term. Our teachers have found that the children concentrate better and make more rapid progress without distractions on poolside. We are unable to make any exception to this rule.
What happens at the first lesson?
- Please arrive approximately 5–10 minutes before the start of the lesson. Once changed, children can wait in the locker area or showers until their lesson begins. Parents are responsible for the children before and after their swimming lesson. Please supervise your child in the locker, showers and changing room at all times. Please ensure your children arrives for their lesson on time. Late arrivals disturb the lessons and the other children.
Don’t forget:
- Long hair should be tied back and preferably a swimming cap worn. Swim Caps available to purchase from pool reception!
- Goggles are allowed please ensure these fit correctly prior to the lesson beginning. Goggles available to purchase from pool reception!
- Boys swimming shorts must be above the knee.
- T-shirts, Loose fitting shorts and wetsuits are not appropriate for swimming lessons as they can inhibit some swimming activities.
We do not promote the use of armbands, however tummy bands are available should the child not wish to enter the water without them.
Responsibility of parents and guardians.
- Children over 8 years old should use the changing room appropriate to their gender.
- Please ensure your child uses the toilet before the lesson starts, and they shower before entering the water.
- Please do not allow your child to swim if they are unwell.
- Please ensure your child arrives 'on-time' for their lesson.
- Make sure your child has the appropriate swimwear and equipment for the lesson.
- Supervise your child until they enter poolside.
- Parents should be available to contact throughout the lesson in case there is an emergency.
- Parents should promptly collect their child at the end of the lesson.
- Children should not get undressed in the communal showers.
- Poor behaviour during the lessons will not be tolerated, children must observe the swimming pool rules at all times.
How long will it take for my child to learn to swim?
- This is dependent on a number of factors and all children are different. Extra swimming away from the lessons usually helps a child develop greater confidence and gives them the chance to practise the skills taught. Swimming lessons need to be supplemented by regular visits to a pool away from the lessons. Get involved with your child's swimming by making a trip to your local pool as part of the families' recreation time.
- Children who are introduced to swimming in their early years generally make more rapid progress. Indeed, research has shown that those children who attend lessons at a young age are more socially, emotionally and physically advanced than those who were not introduced to swimming at an early age.
- Swimming lessons are the best investment parents can give their child not only will they be safe in the water, but you will be giving them skills for life. Your child could go on to enjoy a huge range of water activities.
What if I believe my child is too advanced for their class?
- During the first lesson the teacher will usually assess your child’s ability. The teacher will inform the pool staff if your child is not suitable for the lesson, and we will move them to a different level. Wherever possible we will try and keep them to the same day and time.
What happens at the end of term?
- All our swimmers receive an individual report from their teacher at the end of each term. The report will contain details of their progress plus specific points they need to work on to move up to a higher class.
- Swimming Awards play an important role in rewarding the children in the lessons. If they have achieved an award it will be issued together with the report. All our awards are free of charge.
Why has my child not achieved an award at the end of term?
- If your child does not receive an award the teacher will detail the reasons in their end of term report. The teacher will give details on what particular skills they need to develop to move to the next level.
- It is worthwhile remembering that children need to show consistency in their ability to perform skills, so teachers will keep an eye on swimmers to ensure they can do a task/skill more than once. If you want your child to have good swimming technique that will last a lifetime don’t rush the process. Good swimming teaching is about building sound skills. Focusing on the basics like breath control, submersion, floating and propulsion is the key.
- Swimming skills must be repetitive, and it is vital for a child to develop good skill execution. Lots of repetitive swimming drills are necessary to develop good muscle memory. Swimming short distances with good technique is much more important than swimming long distances with poor technique.
- Please remember that as a child advances further in the scheme, awards/skills become progressively harder to master. It is not uncommon for a child to remain at a certain level for a couple of terms. Equally, parents should not be concerned if your child seems to be stuck, our goal is to produce good strokes from all our pupils.
What happens if a child is struggling after moving up to another level in the scheme?
- Sometimes when children move up to a new class they can find it hard to adjust, normally this is only temporary, however should they continue to struggle after a number of lessons we may recommend the child moving to a lower class level to work on their skills and recover their confidence. In rare cases children can be moved too early to a higher level by the teacher. As soon as the child is identified we recommend it is best the child returns to the previous level before their long term swimming development is affected.
What happens if my child misses a lesson?
- All monies are non-refundable. Missed lessons cannot be rearranged or transferred to another term. Lessons are booked by term. Refunds will only be considered on medical grounds supported by a doctor's note.
What happens if the lessons are cancelled?
- Our priority will be to reschedule the lessons or add another lesson on to the end of the term. We can also transfer the lesson to the following term.
How do I enrol my child for next term's lessons?
- We offer priority enrolment for those pupils currently enrolled in our scheme before opening it up to news pupils. Re-enrolment is carried out at the pool office or over the telephone. The re-enrolment date will be shared with you and your child's report will be available to collect along with any certificates from this date.
- All swimming enrolments are processed as they are received. Spaces are filled on a first come basis, therefore if you wish to secure a particular day/time we encourage you to book on at the earliest opportunity. Payment is taken at the time of booking. The pool accepts cash, cheques and credit/debit cards. We cannot reserve places on the scheme.
What happens if I don’t enrol my child by the closing date for enrolments?
- Your child’s place is only secured in the lesson scheme once you have paid for the next term. If you don’t enrol your child you could lose their place. We do accept late enrolments, and we will try our very best to secure the day/time you desire, but we cannot guarantee we will be able to fulfil your wishes.
- All remaining spaces after the deadline will be offered to new pupil wishing to join our scheme.