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    Supporting Kimbolton School

    Kimbolton Castle

    At Kimbolton School, we are very grateful to all who choose to support us.

    Our priorities

    At various times in the School's history, fundraising appeals have raised money for pupils, for new buildings, and at times, for the School's continued existence.   With the establishment of a permanent Development Office in 2023, our current priority is to fundraise for bursaries, but we also welcome support for other areas of the school - please contact the Development Director if there is a specific area of the school that you would be interested in supporting.

    Bursaries are important to us as they enable the school to provide means-tested support to academically gifted pupils, allowing them to experience our transformative education that would otherwise be out of their parents' reach.  

    Making a gift

    Kimbolton School is a Registered Charity, number 1098586.  If you are considering making a donation, thank you. A gift of money and/or time goes a long way here at Kimbolton School, and we are grateful for all and any support you might feel you can give. For more details on how you can support Kimbolton School (making a gift, volunteering or leaving a legacy), please contact the Development Director. You can now make a donation online using this link:

    You can also donate to the Old Kimboltonians' Association Scholarship Trust Fund via this page

    Gift Aid

    UK Charities can reclaim Gift Aid on lifetime gifts of cash from UK taxpayers, provided that the donor has signed a gift aid declaration, and that they pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the tax that the all charities that they give to reclaim on their donations in the appropriate tax year (currently 25p for each £1 given). Those who pay tax at the higher rate /additional rate can claim further tax relief in their Self-Assessment tax returns.   HM Government information on Gift Aid can be found here:

    As an example, a one-off gift of £200 is worth £250 to a charity once gift aid is reclaimed.  Additionally, if the donor is a higher rate (40%) taxpayer, they can reclaim the difference between the basic rate of tax (40%- 20% = 20%) of the value of the gross donation via their tax return, thus meaning that a donation worth £250 to the school only costs the donor £150.

    We welcome one-off donations, as well as regular ongoing commitments via Direct Debit or Bankers’ order.  You can donate to the school using the link above;  alternatively if you would like to donate by bank transfer, please contact the Development Director for the account details. 


    Gifts of Shares and Property

    Gifts of shares, securities and property by UK taxpayers can attract full tax relief from Capital Gains tax and can allow the donor to claim income tax relief on the full value of the gift at the time of transfer. Please contact the Development Director if you are interested in donating in this way.


    Leaving a Legacy to Kimbolton

    Remembering Kimbolton School in your Will offers you a chance to invest in the future of Kimbolton School. Leaving a legacy, of whatever size, helps to maintain the learning environment at Kimbolton and allows you a chance to make an enduring contribution our story of education. Donations left to charities in your Will can usually be taken off the value of your estate before Inheritance Tax is calculated, and furthermore, if 10% or more of your estate is left to charity your estate may be benefit from a reduced inheritance tax rate.  You can also download our legacy information sheet, which contains the information you need when you are speaking to your solicitor.   Please contact the Development Director if you would like to have a discussion about the possibility of leaving a legacy to Kimbolton School. 


    Gifts from non-UK Taxpayers

    We hope to be able to enable donors from the USA to be able to contribute to Kimbolton in a tax-efficient way before the end of 2024.  If you would like to be notified when this is possible, or if you live in a different country and would like to explore whether a tax-efficient vehicle might be available for you to give to Kimbolton, please contact the Development Director.


    Other ways you can support the school:

    You may be able to contribute to the future of Kimbolton in other ways, such as:

    • Recommending the school to friends/contacts who are looking at schools for their children
    • Offering careers advice to Kimbolton alumni and pupils
    • Volunteering your time (for example, helping at Old Kimboltonians’ events)
    • Bringing the school commercial business, such as weddings, corporate away days, etc.

    Please do get in touch with us if you are interested in helping in any of these ways.                  


    Contact information

    Please contact Sam Venn, Development Director (01480 775080) on any aspect of donating to the school. 

    Please contact Vicky Wakefield, Alumni Officer (01480 862223) if you have a question about OKs events or to update your contact details

    Please contact Kizzy Hazlewood, Events and Venue Officer (01480 860505) if you have a query about hosting an event at Kimbolton Castle or in our grounds.