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    Junior Group Lessons

    You are never too old to learn to swim!

    Below is a breakdown of our swimming levels and outcomes for each of our swimming stages. We pride ourselves on developing confident swimmers with sound stroke techniques. Children progress through the stages at their own rate and are encouraged by means of rewards. Our first four levels offer two certificates per level, with our top two levels having just one certificate to achieve. All criteria must be completed before progressing to the next level.

    For information on our Pre School Swimming Lessons available to children aged from 12 months - 4 years please visit Early Years' Group Lessons.

    Starfish: This is the beginner stage of our lesson scheme, working on introducing the children to a class scenario. Emphasis is based on growing the child's water confidence through a range of fun and engaging activities. A variety of exercises are taught along with floating, streamlining and kicking on both on the front and back. Children only progress to the next level when they can consistently demonstrate all outcomes of our Awards: Starfish One and Two. We welcome children from 4 years old. 

    Enter the pool confidently and safely 
    Move freely around the pool: hop, skip, jump etc 
    Blow bubbles in the water for 3 seconds
    Blow an object across the pool for 5 metres 
    Wash water over face
    Jump in with assistance if required 
    Kick on front using a woggle and blow bubbles for 5 metres
    Kick on back using a woggle for 5 metres 
    Hold a floating position for 3 seconds - unaided
    Face in the water with confidence for 3 seconds 
    Using a woggle demonstrate pushing a ball over 10 metres 
    Using a woggle swim 10 metres on back 
    Swim 5 metres on back with 1 float - strong and propulsive leg kick
    Using 1 float swim 5 metres on front with face in - strong and propulsive leg kick
    Jump in unaided and without assistance

    Jellyfish: In this lesson children will be introduced to swimming unaided on both their front and back.  Front Paddle and Back Paddle are developed up to a distance of 10 metres, and Back Crawl over 5 metres. A variety of water skills are taught; Submersion and rotation are also introduced. All instructors teach from within the water. 

    Fully Submerge underwater
    Kick on back for 10 metres using 1 float - strong and propulsive leg kick
    Push and glide on back, arms to side
    Kick unaided on back for 5 metres - strong and propulsive leg kick
    Swim 5 metres Front Paddle (no aids)
    Using 1 float kick on front for 10 metres with face in -  strong and propulsive leg kick
    Star float on back unaided for 5 seconds
    Swim 10 metres Front Paddle with face in 
    Swim Back Crawl for 5 metres 
    Show a tucked floating position for 5 seconds 
    Collect an object from 0.9 metres 
    Push and glide on front, arms extended with face in 
    Star float on front for 3 seconds with face in 
    Perform a log roll from front to back, keeping arms extended 

    Turtles: At this level Front Crawl and Back Crawl technique is developed over 10 metres along with a basic Breaststroke over 5 metres. Front Crawl breathing together with Breaststroke leg action must be mastered consistently before moving to the next class. Children must be able to confidently swim in the deep water and be able to demonstrate a range of swimming skills before progressing to the next level.

    10 metres Back Crawl kick - No float 
    Swim underwater through a hoop
    Swim 5 metres Front Crawl kick with side breathing 
    Swim Front Crawl for 5 metres showing arms clearing the water
    Perform a star float on the front, rotate to back hold both for 5 secs
    10 metres Back Crawl of relaxed style
    10m Breast Stroke kick on back with a woggle feet turned out
    Using a woggle swim Breast Stroke arms and legs for 10 metres 
    Mushroom Float for 10 seconds 
    Pencil Jump in to water of at least 1.5m depth 
    Demonstrate 5 metres Dolphin kick -No float 
    Swim 10 metres Breast Stroke kick with a float feet turned out
    Swim 10 metres Front Crawl kick with side breathing - 1 float 
    Swim Breast Stroke over 5 metres - arms circular, feet turned out
    Tread water for 30 seconds - Head to stay above water
    Swim 10 metres Front Crawl with breathing to the sides 

    Sea Otter: This class is taught in the deep water, all children are building up to be strong, confident swimmers with good strokes. During these lessons we work on slowly increasing stamina from 10 metres up to 25 metres. Front Crawl and Back Crawl swimming techniques are fine-tuned whilst Breast Stroke is developed further to incorporate a breathing and timing phase. Butterfly is introduced at this level along with the basics of diving and deep water swimming skills.

    25 metres Front Crawl kick - strong & propulsive 
    25 metres Back Crawl kick - strong & propulsive 
    10 metres Breast Stroke kick - feet turned out 
    15 metres Front Crawl swim with breathing - Efficient stroke  
    15 metres Back Crawl swim - Efficient stroke  
    10 metres Breast Stroke - Circular arms & feet turned out 
    10 metres Dolphin kick 
    Push & Glide on back arms extended - Hold for 5 seconds 
    Perform a kneeling dice form the deep end of the pool 
    10 metres head first Sculling 
    1 minute Treading Water - Head to stay above water
    10 metres Butterfly - Simultaneous arms and legs 
    15 metres Breast Stroke with breathing and a glide for 3 seconds 
    25 metres Front Crawl - Efficient stroke & relaxed style 
    25 metres Back Crawl - Efficient stroke & relaxed style
    20 metres Breast Stroke kick using 1 float 
    Perform a standing dive 
    10 metres Feet First Sculling 
    Head first surface dive to at least 1.5 metres retrieve object 
    Forward Somersault 

    Dolphins: The class concentrates on developing the child's stamina further and emphasis is placed on increasing the speed of the strokes. All strokes should appear effortless and relaxed. Greater distances are achieved and the timing/breathing patterns for all strokes are fine-tuned.

    Backwards Somersault 
    20 metres Head first Sculling
    20 metres Feet first Sculling 
    Perform a standing dive with flight 
    Tread Water for 2 minutes 
    50 metres Front Crawl - relaxed and continuous stroke
    Forward Somersault with push off 
    50 metres Back Crawl - relaxed and continuous stroke
    50 metres Back Crawl kick - Arms extended 
    50 metres Front Crawl kick - Arms extended 
    25 metres Breast Stroke kick - Feet turned out 
    25 metres Dolphin Kick - Arms extended 
    25 metres Breast Stroke with correct timing, breathing & glide 
    20 metres Butterfly - Arms to clear simultaneously 
    Starting at the deepest part of the pool, travel underwater retrieve brick, continue through hoops and resurface. 

    Stingray: At this level children are competent in all strokes and showcasing an advanced swimming skill and level. They will continue to build upon their swim speed, stamina and fitness in preparation for the Squad Development Class.

    100 metres Front Crawl - Relaxed stroke with breathing
    100 metres Front Crawl kick - Strong & Propulsive 
    100 metres Back Crawl - Relaxed stroke 
    100 metres Back Crawl kick - No Float 
    100 Breast Stroke - correct timing, breathing and glide 
    100 metres Breast Stroke kick 
    50 metres Butterfly - Simultaneous arm and leg actions 
    50 metres Dolphin kick - Strong and propulsive undulation 
    Tread water for 4 minutes 
    Straddle Entry - Had to remain above the water 
    Dive with Flight 
    Tumble turn practice 
    Feet first surface dive to 1.8 metres, retrieve object. 
    From a dive travel underwater covering 10 metres 
    • All Junior lessons cost £99.00 (11 week term)
    • Lessons take place on the following days - Monday, Wednesday and Friday 
    • Swimming Academy Lessons Terms & Conditions

    Squad Development: This class offers children a non-competitive squad style training session. It is open to children who have completed all the levels in our lesson scheme and also to swimmers with good technique of all strokes. The session is taught by an experienced teacher or our Level 2 coach and gives children the opportunity to further develop their stroke technique and fitness. Competitive dives, starts, turns and finishes are all taught. The session lasts for 30 minutes and serves as the perfect introduction to competitive swimming or is perfect for anyone who wished to keep up their swim fitness.

    Squad Development costs £99.00 (30 minutes, 11 week term). Only runs on a Wednesday evening.