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    Senior School Open Morning

    Our Senior School Open Morning (ages 11-16) is a great way to get a feel for life at Kimbolton. Please pre-register here - we will be in touch with further information nearer the time. Our Privacy Notice may be found here.

    Which event(s) would you like to attend (please tick)*

    Register for our Sixth Form Open Morning on Saturday 21 September 2024 (Year 12/age 16 ), please go here, so that we can tailor your visit to your interests.

    Parent(s) details

    Please indicate how you first heard about Kimbolton School and this Open Morning, by selecting one or more of the following*
    Your children*
     First name(s)SurnameGenderDate of BirthCurrent School, Pre-School or NurseryPreferred Starting Year Group and Date (eg Year 5 in Sep 2023)
    First Child
    Second Child
    Third Child
    Fourth Child