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    Joining Upper Prep (7+)

    Book an open morning

    Register for Entry



    There’s a real buzz here, with high expectations of teachers and pupils alike. Children have a busy timetable and rise to the challenge of finding the right place, at the right time, with the right books and equipment. Bright minds are inspired as each child is encouraged to be independent and develop their unique strengths and skills: academic, creative, sporting and leadership opportunities abound.

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    Pupils are proud of what they achieve, be it an award in a national maths challenge, victory in an inter-schools hockey tournament, a saxophone concert performance or a role in a drama production. With a broad and balanced curriculum, plus over 30 after-school clubs per week, we build pupils’ confidence and independence. Kim Club, used by many families on a regular or ad hoc basis, is an important part of our school community and extends the day, opening at 7.30am and finishing at 6pm. Our coach system is used exclusively by Kimbolton pupils of all ages.

    Register for an Open Morning

    Which event(s) would you like to attend (please tick)*

    Register for our Sixth Form Open Morning on Saturday 21 September 2024 (Year 12/age 16 ), please go here, so that we can tailor your visit to your interests.

    Parent(s) details

    Please indicate how you first heard about Kimbolton School and this Open Morning, by selecting one or more of the following*
    Your children*
     First name(s)SurnameGenderDate of BirthCurrent School, Pre-School or NurseryPreferred Starting Year Group and Date (eg Year 5 in Sep 2023)
    First Child
    Second Child
    Third Child
    Fourth Child