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    Individual Visit

    We can arrange an individual visit for you during term-time, so that you can see our school in action during a normal school day. At the Prep School, the Prep School Headmaster will take you on a guided tour which he will tailor to your needs. At the Senior School, a Sixth Former will show you around our campus; you will also meet the Headmaster for a personal discussion of your child’s needs and to raise any questions that you may have. Please complete this form and our Registrar will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time. Our Privacy Notice may be found here.

    Parent Details

    Child(ren)'s Details

    Please provide details of your child(ren)
     First ChildSecond ChildThird ChildFourth Child
    First Names
    Date of Birth
    Current School/Nursery
    Earliest Planned Month and Year of Entry
    Planned Entry Year Group (eg Year 3, Year 7)

    Comments or Message