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    Lara Named #ShePaddles Ambassador

    Fourth Form paddlesports enthusiast hopes to encourage more young women and girls to get on the water.

    Fourth Form paddlesports enthusiast Lara has been named by British Canoeing, Canoe Wales and the Scottish Canoe Association as one of 16 inspirational #ShePaddles Ambassadors for 2021.

    The talented 14-year-old first took to the water aged six, learning and developing her skills with Wansford-based KEW paddlers. She now fits white-water kayaking and sea kayaking around GCSE studies and U15B Hockey matches, naming Llagollen in Wales and, more locally, the River Nene as her favourite places to explore.

    In her spare time Lara enjoys helping teach younger children at the Leam Boat Centre, and recently chose kayaking as part of her Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award. This involved taking a British Canoeing Foundation Safety and Rescue Training course, which is an early step towards becoming a qualified coach. She also has her sights set on one day completing the 125-mile Devizes to Westminster canoe race – in which Kimbolton has an enviable track record.

    She says: “I’m super excited to be a #ShePaddles Ambassador and am looking forward to working with British Canoeing over the next 12 months. I want to encourage more young women and girls to take up the sport and hope my experiences will inspire others to get involved.”