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    Physical Education

    Our Sports Department organises a wide range of curricular and extra-curricular PE activities to cater for everyone, from the committed athlete to those participating for exercise and enjoyment. Our ethos is to ensure quality, quantity and breadth of sporting opportunities so that all our pupils acquire the skills and knowledge to live a healthy lifestyle.

    Unlike Games, we teach PE in form groupings with boys and girls learning and working together. We have a modern sports centre containing a large multi-purpose sports hall, a gymnasium, a fitness room, two squash courts, indoor and outdoor changing facilities and a designated PE classroom used for teaching A-level Physical Education.

    We also have a 25m swimming pool, three astroturf pitches (two full pitches and one training pitch; one match pitch is fully floodlit), extensive playing fields, six outdoor cricket nets and two hard court netball and tennis areas.

    Javelin Throwing During a Kimbolton School PE Lesson
    A Relay Race During Sports Day at Kimbolton SchoolKimbolton School Swimming PoolThe Roger Peel Sports Hall at Kimbolton SchoolA Gym Lesson at Kimbolton School

    Departmental Staff

    Head of PE

    01480 862248



    Head of Boys' Games

    Head of Girls' Games



    First to Third Forms – compulsory for all pupils

    The First to Third Forms have one PE lesson each week. Our curriculum offers a wide range of activities including swimming, tennis, badminton, basketball, gymnastics, health related fitness, orienteering, athletics, dance, and striking and field games.

    Our aim is to provide a PE programme that facilitates all our pupils to acquire the skill and enthusiasm for long-term involvement in sport that will stay with them throughout their Kimbolton career and beyond.

    Fourth Form – compulsory for all pupils

    The Fourth Form have one PE lesson per fortnight. At this stage students are encouraged to enhance their skills and develop areas of interest. Our broad curriculum continues, as does our encouragement of all pupils to involve themselves in sport.

    Fourth and Fifth Forms – GCSE optional subject

    • AQA GCSE Physical Education 8582
    • Assessed via two written exams plus 40% non-examined assessment (30% practical performance in three sports and 10% written analysis and evaluation).

    Physical Education will open your eyes to the world of sports performance. You will enjoy the chance to participate in three different sports, as well as developing your knowledge into the how and why of physical activity and sport.

    You will learn about the human body and movement in physical activity and sport, looking at applied anatomy and physiology, movement analysis, and physical training – utilising your ability to understand and interpret data. You will also develop your knowledge of the role of sports psychology, and socio-cultural influences on participation and health, fitness and well-being.

    Non-examined assessment (coursework) accounts for 40% of your overall grade and is dependent on your ability to perform in three sports (one team, one individual, and a third which may be either), along with a written piece of performance analysis and evaluation. During the two-year course you will gain skills in data analysis, observation, problem-solving and presentation.

    Sixth Form – A Level optional subject

    AQA Physical Education

    Sport and physical activity are integrated into all areas of life: entertainment, maintaining good health, developing fitness, and even tackling social issues and ethics. Are you intrigued by how sport has changed over the years? Do you want to learn how to train effectively, and help someone achieve their peak performance? Are you a keen athlete? If so, you will find A Level PE a fascinating and enjoyable course.

    Our PE Department is experienced in, and enthusiastic about the subject. Two hours per week are allocated to each of the three main theory aspects of the course: anatomy & physiology, psychology and sport & society. Time is also allocated to a written coursework element in the Upper Sixth. Practical performance is a key part of the course and all candidates are required to demonstrate competitive play or coaching.

    There are opportunities to compete in the major games, plus cross country, badminton, table tennis, canoeing, swimming, and athletics. You will make good use of our outstanding facilities, which include a sports hall, gymnasium, AstroTurf pitches, extensive playing fields, fitness suite and swimming pool. We also host an annual Sports Day and a Whole School Gym and Dance Display.

    Kimbolton 7th Period Super-Curriculum: We will examine significant global sporting events such as the Olympic Games and discuss topical sporting issues, such as blood doping. Independent and group-based research, analysis, collation and informing others will be the focus of our studies.

    Extra-Curricular Activities

    During the school year we offer additional training and practice sessions for all the major sports and many of the minor ones. The School Calendar gives specific details of these on a termly basis.

    Regular Trips, Competitions and Events

    In addition to the major sports (football, hockey, cricket, netball, tennis, rounders), we co-ordinate or attend competitions, events and/or House tournaments throughout each calendar year in cross-country, badminton, table tennis, swimming, gymnastics, dance and athletics.

    We also organise Sports Days for all year groups as part of their House competitions These events allow pupils to pursue areas of interest and talent outside the major games sphere.