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    Geography sits comfortably between the sciences and humanities. It is the study of the physical and human environments and the inter-relationship between the two.

    At Kimbolton we embrace the traditional geography of places but enhance the curriculum with stimulating and thought-provoking field trips or activities for all year groups.  We use specific countries and locations to give pupils real-life examples of the geographical issues faced by people.

    Kimbolton School Sixth Form Geography Field Trip
    Kimbolton School Sixth Form Geography LessonKimbolton School Sixth Form Geography LessonKimbolton School Sixth Form Geography Field TripKimbolton School Geography Lesson

    Departmental Staff

    Head of Geography

    01480 862240


    First to Third Forms – compulsory for all pupils

    In the First Form we provide a foundation in the subject, teaching topics that include maps, weather and settlements, along with geographical skills. In the Second and Third Forms pupils further develop their skills, knowledge and understanding by studying topics such as coasts, ecosystems, tourism, Japan, Brazil and Egypt.

    Fourth and Fifth Forms – GCSE optional subject

    Geography provides you with an excellent foundation into understanding the processes and concepts that shape today’s world. It gives you the opportunity to study a wide range of interesting, relevant geographical topics, encouraging appreciation and awareness of both physical and human environments, as well as different communities within our own society and globally.

    Over the two-year course you will learn about Physical Geography including natural hazards such as weather and climate change, physical landscapes in the UK, ecosystems, tropical rainforests, and other environments. In Human Geography you will explore urban issues, the changing economic world, and resource management.

    The emphasis is on understanding topics and places, alongside the acquisition and development of skills such as data analysis, photograph and map interpretation, critical thinking, and empathy. You will learn how to communicate your ideas and give evidenced opinions. Geography sits comfortably between the Sciences and Arts; in terms of future A Level choices and careers it broadens opportunities and is often said to ‘open many doors and close none”.

    Lower and Upper Sixth Form – A Level optional subject

    Geography OCR H481
    Is it an Art, a Science or a Social Science? Geography is a flexible subject and complements many other A Levels.

    Over the two-year course you’ll look at a wide variety of physical and human environments and the complex interaction of processes that shape our world. These include water and carbon cycles, globalisation and urban environments. Later on, you’ll explore hazards, cold environments, population and environments, along with an in-depth study of two contrasting places, one local and one overseas.

    There are fieldwork days spent looking at rivers (Lower Sixth) and the development of Milton Keynes (Upper Sixth) while all geographers may study glaciers, volcanoes, coasts, energy sustainability and plate tectonics during our optional residential trip to Iceland.

    You’ll develop skills such as note taking, essay writing, argument development and fieldwork techniques. Fieldwork, extended research, numeracy and higher order thinking are important skills for a geographer, so you’ll undertake an individual investigation into a topic of your choice worth 20% of the A Level award.

    Beyond the Classroom: The emphasis will be on developing autonomous and transferable research skills and there will be the opportunity to be involved in individual and group work debating and presenting current, topical geographical issues from around the world. Students are encouraged to explore beyond the curriculum by reading geographical books and journals, listening to podcasts and TED talks, and watching films and documentaries.

    Extra-Curricular Activities

    Each term, guest speakers from higher education and industry talk to our thriving Geography Society for Fifth and Sixth Formers.

    Regular Trips, Visits and Competitions

    We run field trips for each year group:

    • First Form: field trip to Hampton Hargate to look at urban expansion on a greenfield site.
    • Second Form: visit to Cadbury World to look at fair trade and globalisation.
    • Third Form: bio-geographical trip to Whipsnade Zoo to examine different environments and adaptations.
    • Fourth and Fifth Forms: local geographical investigation for the controlled assessment (changes every year).
    • Sixth Form:
      - River studies on the River Chess to look at the changes along a course of a river from the source to the mouth;
      - Trip to the Milton Keynes Discovery Centre to study the concept of sustainable settlements;
      - Visit to Holme Nature Reserve, Hunstanton, to study the concept of plant succession in response to changing environmental conditions;
      - Trip to Iceland to look at plate tectonics, glaciation, and settlements in harsh environments.
    • The department also fully supports our Ghana Partnership and encourages students to participate in this valuable cultural exchange.​